Thanks to all our amazing lifetime donors, the Implement Consulting Group and the Society of Lifestyle, we will plant what will correspond to an area of at least 94 acres of new forest in Uganda in 2020 and 2021.

The plantings will be organized by the foreign department of Skovdyrkerne, called the Danish Forestry Extension (DFA). The work in Uganda will be carried out by DFE´’s partner in Uganda, UTGA.

The area under consideration is located in Busia. In the West Bugwe group of Central Forest Reserves owned by the state. The area is managed by the National Forestry Authority.

The plantings will be different model plantations with native tree species. The planting must show that CO2 uptake via afforestation with local species is an option. An opportunity that will also benefit biodiversity.

The funds for the 94 hectares are distributed with 30 hectares from Grow For it’s lifetime donors for CO2 balance, 40 hectares from Implement Consulting Group and 24 hectares from Society of Lifestyle.

The 24 acres from Society of Lifestyle are a little unique. They should have been used for a planting in Nepal, but the COVID-19 situation has forced us to abandon tree planting in Nepal by 2020.

Society of Lifestyle has “lent” the 24 hectares to Uganda. This gave us a sufficiently large area. The 24 hectares will be made available to new lifetime donors, who will then purchase an ongoing project. Once we have “sold” the areas corresponding to the 24 hectares, the amount will be returned to the original planting in Nepal in 2021.

The model of companies making their established plantings available to employees and others, is actually the original basic vision for Grow For It. This model will mean that lifetime donors always buy trees that are in good growth and therefore absorb maximum CO2.

Interestingly, it was COVID-19 that caused us to now start with this model. Grow For It has thus initiated 24 hectares of afforestation in Uganda which can be acquired by new donors for lifelong CO2 balance 

DFE / UTGA is preparing the project plan. We will explain in more detail about the planting, when the project plan is ready.

Stock photo, Rwenzori Mountains, Jørgen Christian Wind Nielsen from Pixabay