‘Be the Change’ campaigner Keith John Stevenson, in association GROW|FORIT and Keith’s employer Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy (SGRE), attended the Vedersø International School on wednesday 6th June 2018 and spoke with a class of students about renewable energy, SGRE, wind power and climate change.
At the conclusion of the session the group planted an oak tree as a symbol of hope and action. The tree was provided by GROW|FOR|IT and will for hundreds of years to come, absorb CO2 from the atmosphere.
Atmospheric CO2 is on an exponential trajectory, now at its highest level for 800,000 years (410ppm) and showing no signs of reduction.
The link between increasing greenhouse gases causing increasing energy and heat and the consequences for the biosphere was a theme of the presentation. The time is up – each of us has to take the first step of action.