We have begun calendar year 2020 and it is with good news and fresh pictures from Madagascar!

In 2019 we planted a total of 34 hectares of mangrove forest, some of which can be seen in the pictures above. We are very proud of that achievement.

The picture on the left shows the wetland where the mangrove trees are planted. In the picture on the right you can see how the soil in some places needs trees with strong roots to alleviate erosion – for this the mangrove trees play their part.

Eden Projects document the work by taking pictures, so we can keep an eye on this at a distance (we are very satisfied with this agreement!). The photos above are from October as it takes some time to get the photos from the field back to Eden Project’s local headquarters in Mahajanga.

Som det kan ses på billederne herunder, benytter man (udover fotografens kamera 😉) den teknologi, man har til rådighed – dvs. ingen high tech waders eller tablets – og det vil også sige, at donationerne går fuldstændigt til træplantning, ikke til teknologileverandører eller andet godtfolk. Vi er i sandhed i gang med at starte noget nyt og stort op på Madagascar!

And as can be seen in the pictures below, you use (besides the photographer’s camera) the technology you have available – i.e. no high tech waders or tablets – and that means that the donations go fully to tree planting, and not to technology providers or other good people. We are indeed starting something new and big on Madagascar!

When the images arrive at headquarters, they are sent to the Eden Project department in the United States (unless cyclones or other terrible weather render the internet connection difficult – and they have had plenty of terrible weather over the past few months). In the US, the images go through an approval process and then they can be passed on to us. But it is all worth the wait – we really appreciate Eden Projects as a transparent and reliable partner in tree planting.

And last but not least, we’ve just asked Eden Projects to increase the volume from four to five acres per month so at present we expect to plant a total of 60 acres in Madagascar by 2020.