Action for individuals

As citizens we want to step up and make a difference for Earth’s climate. Planting new trees, a lot of them, is a safe and effective way to slow down Earth’s warming.

Zero your carbon footprint for life

Donate 1000 euro if you wish to initiate a one hectare tree planting, providing you with lifelong CO₂ offset for one person.

You will gain:

  • With each hectare of newly planted forest you support (10 tonnes of CO₂ intake per year per hectare), you will receive a certificate proving that you have now balanced the annual CO₂ emissions of one person.
  • Documentation with map and GPS coordinates (the documentation format varies between tree types and countries).
  • Tax deduction for your CO₂ balance (for Danish tax payers). We will report your donation to the Danish Tax authorities if you ask us.

Gift certificate

You can also give tree planting as a gift certificate worth 200 DKK. In this way you support the receiver neutralizing a part of his or her CO₂ emissions for one year.

Go for it!

Become a member and at the same time make a tree planting donation, which over time will neutralise one person’s CO₂ emissions for one year.

The price covers the tree planting as well as a one year membership fee (aprox 10 Euro).

You will receive a certificate after buying our Go For It package.

Sign up for a membership

A membership for a person or a family costs only 100 kroner a year and it is a very important gesture of support for our volunteer work. Your membership is valid from now and until the next “Skovens Dag” event in Denmark + one year.