In 2017 the Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy employees had the option to choose donation for reforestation through GROW|FOR|IT as one of more options.

By choosing reforestation as their 2017 Christmas present, the employees have ensured that GROW|FOR|IT can plant enough trees in the tropics for these employees to consider themselves CO₂ neutral throughout 2018.

The choice is an indication that reforestation is seen as one of more common tools to capture CO₂ from the atmosphere. So, it is considered a realistic means among the efforts to reduce global warming.

We warmly thank all Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy employees for their choice of Christmas present! We also thank the Siemens Gamesa management for donating extra 197 unclaimed Christmas gifts on top of the 103, making a total of 300 donations times 400 DKK = 120.000 DKK for reforestation.